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Blog Y Plastic Surgery

Breast Augmentation – How to inform yourself before consultation

Posted on December 1, 2018

By: Dr. Asaf Yalif

Breast augmentation has become ubiquitous, making it one of the most common plastic surgical procedures performed today. When our Atlanta and Alpharetta GA patients come in for consultation some have done a lot of research and some have done little. Today’s blog is designed to help you prepare better for your initial consultation and to help you start the decision process on which implants may be best for you.

What kind of doctor should I choose

The first question to ask when starting your search is if the doctor you are going to see is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery. And is the board they are certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). While there are many “boards” out there the ABMS is the one to look for. It is the standard by which other boards measure themselves. It is required by most hospitals and signifies a level of training and ongoing commitment to expertise and education, to self-improvement, and to providing exemplary care and results.

Other boards do not have the same rigorous standards or requirements and do not insure that the physician carries the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the results you want. Please make sure that you consult with a plastic surgeon certified by the ABMS in Plastic Surgery.

You can check your doctors’ verification here or at with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

What kind of breasts do I want?

With so many implant choices available I recommend that the patient focus on what kind of breast they want for their chosen lifestyle. Do you do Crossfit daily? Tennis? Running? Do I want a more natural look or one that is more augmented in appearance? What kind of clothes do I want to fit into?

As you begin to answer these questions it can help guide you towards a style of implant and an approximation of volume. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself and discover what you want to achieve with the procedure so that your surgeon can make a reasonable recommendation for you.

It also helps to look at before and after photos, like our gallery. Most galleries will provide you with a significant amount of information about the patient body type, age, implant choice, etc. and you can try to find ones that you like to show your doctor during the consultation.

You can also check websites like RealSelf, which can help provide basics, but please don’t focus on the specifics – it will become overwhelming. Use the Internet to start gathering information, not to plan the details.

What is the Doctor going to help me decide?

During the consultation the doctor will discuss the implant type (Saline or Silicone), the incisions used, whether it should be placed above or below the muscle. These are all discussed in conjunction with a physical exam where they will take several measurements of your breast.


There are numerous incisions that can be used to introduce the implant. The most common are around the areola, beneath the breast in the breast fold, and through the armpit.

Implant type and filling

Implants can be either round in shape, or anatomic/tear drop shaped. Round ones can be filled with saline or with silicone. The silicone within the implant is thicker than it used to be, making the gel more like a “gummy bear.” Tear drop shaped/anatomic implants are filled with a thicker silicone gel. Additional characteristics , and risks of each type of implant should be discussed during the consultation.

Location – above or below the muscle

This is an important component to discuss. Going behind the pectoralis muscle may be recommended for a number of reasons. If that is the recommendation please make sure all of your concerns are addressed during the consultation before making a firm decision. As it may change how you perform certain activities like – working out, sports, etc.

Once your Board Certified plastic surgeon has all the information he/she will make a recommendation based on their experience and training and your desires and goals. This includes the implant type, shape, incisions, and location.

Still have questions –

This is just a small introduction into starting your search. Please find a ABMS certified Plastic Surgeon to consult with and do some research on your own by looking at photo galleries and online.

We are always happy to answer your questions online and in person. You can also call one of our offices at (404) 476-8774 (Alpharetta & Atlanta) to schedule an appointment.

As a Triple Board Certified Plastic Surgeon I make sure to spend significant time with you to help you realize your goals in breast augmentation. With my years of experience and technical expertise, I know that I am more than capable of providing you with a result that exceeds your expectations.

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