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Blog Y Plastic Surgery

Coronavirus update…..

Posted on November 23, 2020

By: Dr. Asaf Yalif

small bottles labeled covid vaccine

As we continue into the 2020 holidays and beyond we wanted to quickly update our Atlanta patients, and everyone on how we continue to do our best to provide the easy access to our services while also keeping you safe. To that end I am updating an earlier post. If we do not address a particular concern please let us know!

The vaccine is not here yet! But results are promising and hopefully soon this will be in the rear-view mirror,  Until it is eradicated we will continue to do everything we can to provide safety for you and for us. As such, we continue to require wearing masks when coming to the office. This is not a political thing, merely a protection thing. It is intended to protect you from us and us from you. It is for the protection of the population and to help us to provide a safe and healthy environment for all our patients so please wear one. Otherwise we will not be able to see you in the office. While in the office please continue to wear your mask.

If you are totally anti-mask or don’t feel comfortable to go out in public we can see you via a Zoom meeting. We have been doing them for months and they are an effective way to begin a consultation or to continue follow up that doesn’t require “in person” contact.

Hand sanitizer is available throughout the office as are sinks for hand washing. We routinely sanitize ad/or hand wash before and after each patient encounter.

We do also practice social distancing – as best we can in the office setting. We continue to keep the office emptier than it used to be. Less people present in the office and no patients in the waiting area. We have done this in an effort to create distance physically and temporally between patients. So when you do come in there is no waiting, we will immediately take you back to a room to do paperwork, rather than remaining in the waiting area with other patients.

When scheduling your appointment please inform us if you have any symptoms – headache, cough, fever, etc. . If you do have any recent sick contacts or possible exposure, or symptoms we will ask to see via Zoom.

We continue to not allow children in the office at this time. We know many of you don’t have childcare but we want to protect them and you. If you do need to bring someone please only bring one person. Additional people will be asked to wait in their vehicle.

Please show up on time – not 15 minutes before or after. As noted above we are spacing patients out to give time to clean properly. Showing up on time helps insure that your risk is lowest.

We are providing Botox and filler injections again, We can usually perform Botox with your mask on, but may need to remove it briefly during the injection. The same is true for the fillers, especially if we are injecting near your mouth/lips.

We continue to schedule elective surgeries as able at certified centers. All of them now require a Covid test within 72 hours of the procedure and we have several labs that we refer to for this. They are all allowing surgery but are filling up quickly as demand is high. As a reminder we only operate at fully certified centers with board certified anesthesia providers. We want to perform your procedure in a safe environment with the lowest risk possible.

We still have the ability to perform some lasers and are still selling Environ and other skincare products and can mail them to you if you do not want to come in to pick them up.

We also are continuing to offer minor procedures in the office – including cosmetic blepharoplasty, moh’s reconstructions, skin cancer excisions, etc. Please call to discuss if this would be reasonable for you.

In short, we remain open for business and are still very concerned about your health and wellbeing and will do everything in our power to protect you and us from Covid until this hopefully resolves. We greatly look forward to seeing you, via Zoom or in person! Please be respectful and wear your mask, as we will too. In the end we are trying our best to make sure everyone can get through this time safely while still having access to their much need neurotoxins, fillers, and cosmetic procedures!

Please be safe! If you have any questions, concerns or issues please contact us!

Current CDC guidelines are here.

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