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BlogY Plastic Surgery

Nose jobs 101 – Our Most Common Rhinoplasty Questions

Posted on March 8, 2019

By: Dr. Asaf Yalif

There are many people that are unhappy with the appearance of their nose. Reasons for consultation can vary wildly but there are recurring themes we see in most consultations. In this blog we will try to focus and elaborate on these themes and provide some guidance for the patients we see in Atlanta and Alpharetta GA.

My nose is crooked

This can be from a prior injury or just because. The nose is made of both bone and cartilage and as such it can be crooked not only in the left/right direction, but also in the vertical one. This can create any number of deformities to both bony part of the nose as well as the cartilaginous part.

Crooked nose can be corrected by open rhinoplasty, where Dr. Yalif makes a small hidden incision and then reshapes the cartilage. Often times he will use additional cartilage to support the nose in its’ new orientation. If the nasal bones are also crooked they can be fractured and straightened.

I have a hump on my nose

Having a “dorsal hump” or curved top to your nose is also a very common reason to come in for consultation. As noted above the nose is made of both bone and cartilage and the hump can be made of either. Depending on the source of the hump the it can be corrected with either an open approach or possibly a closed one (where the incision is within each nostril).

My nose is too wide

The components of the nose that can be perceived as wide are the dorsum/top and the tip. We have measurements we can take to see if they are actually “too wide” or if it is just a question of there being an asymmetry. Either way we can address the dorsum through an open approach and fracturing the nasal bones and bringing them closer together, essentially narrowing the dorsum/top of the nose.

The nasal tip and nostrils can be narrowed with a combination of nostril narrowing in conjunction with stitching. The tips can also be contoured with an open approach.

My nose is pointing down

The nasal tip can be seen as too wide, too rotated, too undefined. With an open approach we can address all components of the nasal tip cartilage and create an aesthetically pleasing tip. This is done through suturing, trimming of the cartilage and even cartilage grafting if needed. In addition we can turn the tip up/correct a droopy nose during the procedure.

I don’t like my nostrils

If the nostrils are too big or too wide we can reshape them during an open rhinoplasty. We can remove and hide the incisions for nostril reduction in the creases where the nostrils meet the face. We can also narrow the base of the nostrils making it narrower with stitching.

What is surgery like?

Surgery for rhinoplasty requires general anesthesia and is always performed in an accredited facility with certified anesthesia providers The procedure can take several hours as Dr. Y changes the contour of your nose and makes sure that your breathing through your nose remains normal. It is an outpatient procedure meaning that you go home the same day as surgery with a splint on your nose and stitches in place. The splint will be removed between 1-2 weeks. The stitches will be removed at the first post operative visit. Final results will depend on what exactly was done during the rhinoplasty but generally takes at least 6 months to achieve.

Liquid nose job?

Nowadays we can also correct many nasal issues non-surgically in the office setting. This involves a combination of fillers injected into the nose and then shaped with manipulation. This is reasonable for some patients and for some issues that you may have noted above. The key to remember is that the fillers are not permanent and to maintain the result, the injections will need to be repeated every year to year and a half. But for minor issues, or for those who are scared of general anesthesia, this may be a very reasonable alternative.

What should I do?

For many patients, both young and old alike, their nose can be a source of discomfort and a focal point. We have many options, both surgical and non to help address those concerns. I am happy to answer all your questions and evaluate you in person. Please request a personal consultation using our online form. You can also call one of our offices at (404) 476-8774 (Alpharetta & Atlanta) to schedule an appointment.

And please feel free to visit our website for more information.

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